Torn Apart Models

John Bortolani Shows Us the Guts in This Riveting Photo Series

John Bortolani has released some of his latest and riveting work. In a photo series named Fake Too Fake, John Bortolani illustrates us the human body in ways it should not be exposed.

Featuring torn up flesh, exposed hearts, and safety pin stitched limbs, these photos are a creative horror show to say the least.

While you might enjoy the creativity of this project, it is definitely not for those who are squeamish.

Implications - While many consumers find themselves deterred by graphic or shocking representations of a particular object or item, such a tactic is likely to garner the attention of a very large audience. Businesses that use similar tactics in their advertising or marketing methods will likely experience favorable results as they will stand out in the minds of many.
Trend Themes
1. Graphic Display - There is a trend towards using shocking, graphic images in marketing and advertising to gain attention.
2. Discomfort as Art - The use of uncomfortable or unsettling imagery in art is becoming more prevalent as an attention-grabbing tactic.
3. Body Horror - The use of graphic representations of human anatomy in art and media is an emerging trend.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Advertising companies can use shocking or graphic imagery to better engage with their audience and capture their attention.
2. Fine Art - The use of uncomfortable or unsettling imagery in fine art can be a new pathway for artists to explore.
3. Media - The use of body horror in film, TV, and other forms of media can create a new sub-genre and provide unique entertainment opportunities for viewers.

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