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Personal Drone Helicopters

The Joggobot Quadrocopter Acts as Your Own Dedicated Running Coach

Developed by researchers at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia, the Joggobot is a flying drone quadrocopter that’s designed to be a running companion.

Studies have shown that jogging with a partner is usually more motivational and beneficial than running alone; but sometimes it can be tough finding a jogging mate. That’s where the Joggobot comes in. It’s like a little robot buddy that’s always there by your side.

Utilizing a built-in camera and tag detection software, the Joggobot is able to track both the position and velocity of a jogger and then continuously fly a few feet in front of them. This gives the jogger something physical to interact with during their run and also acts as a motivator to help them run faster.

Currently the Joggobot is only capable of flying alongside a moving target but, in the future, linking the quadrocopter and sensor technology with Bluetooth smartphones could provide an incredibly engaging experience with possibilities like video streaming, live updates, and voice controls.

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