Literal Air Bands

Tim Soo's Invisible Instruments Video is Harmoniously Unique

Tim Soo is a YouTube star who has recently done a rendition of Bruno Mars' Just the Way You Are using "invisible instruments."

Soo cleverly utilizes his Wii Remotes as well as his iPod Touch to generate music virtually. This idea came to Soo when he forgot his violin while away at university and needed it for class. Thus, Soo's invisible instruments concept was born and is currently rocketing him into YouTube stardom.

This rendition of 'Just the Way You Are' is unique and extremely cute. The video showcases Soo playing his invisible instruments in traditional poses. This concept brings the idea of the air band to another dimension. It will be interesting to see what Soo comes up with next.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Instrumentation - The concept of using virtual instruments opens up new opportunities for musicians to create music in unconventional ways.
2. Creative Use of Technology - Incorporating everyday technology like Wii Remotes and iPod Touches as musical instruments showcases the potential for innovation in the music industry.
3. Online Performance Culture - YouTube stardom and the popularity of videos featuring unique and entertaining performances highlight the growing trend of online performance culture.
Industry Implications
1. Music - The music industry can explore new ways to create and share music by embracing virtual instruments and innovative use of technology.
2. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can tap into the trend of online performance culture by developing platforms and content that cater to the growing demand for unique and creative performances.
3. Technology - The technology industry can collaborate with musicians and artists to develop new tools and platforms that enable the creation of virtual instruments and facilitate online performances.

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