Customer Service Robots

The Hitachi 'EMIEW3' Intelligent Robot Can Sense When Customers Need Help

The customer service world is changing by leaps and bounds every year, so the Hitachi 'EMIEW3' is an intelligent robot that comes as the next logical step. Created by the brand to help offer customers some assistance, the Hitachi 'EMIEW3' robot can sense when someone needs help rather than bother someone who doesn't.

The Hitachi 'EMIEW3' robot is intended to survive the hustle and bustle of the retail world with ease as it can quickly get up if pushed down and much more.

The intelligent robot can communicate in a relaxed, comfortable way with customers to provide service that's fast and efficient. Although very sophisticated, the Hitachi 'EMIEW3' robot isn't expected to be ready for the market until roughly 2018.
Trend Themes
1. Intelligent Customer Service Robots - The trend in customer service is moving towards the use of intelligent robots that can efficiently assist customers.
2. Sensor-based Robots - The sensor-based technology incorporated in robots such as the Hitachi 'EMIEW3' is revolutionizing customer service.
3. Physical-digital Integration in Customer Service - The use of physical robots that integrate with digital systems is changing the face of customer service.
Industry Implications
1. Retail Industry - Retailers can benefit from using intelligent robots to provide efficient and quick customer service.
2. Hospitality Industry - The hospitality industry can use intelligent robots to assist customers in finding their way around large hotels and to quickly solve problems like room service and maintenance issues.
3. Healthcare Industry - The healthcare industry can use robots like the Hitachi 'EMIEW3' to provide assistance and care to patients, especially in cases where human interaction could be risky or harmful.

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