Inclusive Festival Fashion Photography

This Coachella Series Shows the Diversity of Attendees

During Coachella, Teen Vogue commissioned agency Les Mijotés to capture a range of inclusive festival fashion photography, to get a better understanding of the many different people who attend the massive music event, and to find out what their opinions are concerning representation in the media.

As much of the street style photography for Coachella tends to focus on thin white models, influencers, and others with similar aesthetics who abide by more commonly promoted western beauty ideals, Teen Vogue wanted to highlight the many that don't fit into this narrow narrative. To do so, it primarily focused on non-white attendees, as well as those who could be considered "plus size" or disabled.

With this project, Teen Vogue highlights the beauty of the many different people who are too often left out of fashion photography, and prompts others in the industry to be more aware and inclusive.
Trend Themes
1. Inclusive Fashion Photography - Brands can tap into new audiences by embracing diverse models and non-traditional beauty standards in their fashion photography.
2. Representation in Media - There is a growing demand for media to accurately reflect the diversity of their audience through inclusive representation and portrayal of people with all types of body sizes, abilities and ethnic backgrounds.
3. Diversity in Festivals - Festivals are an opportunity to showcase diversity and foster a sense of community by creating inclusive environments that welcome people from all walks of life.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can lead the way in promoting diversity across the board by showcasing non-traditional models with different body types, abilities and skin colors.
2. Media - Media and publishing companies can take steps towards inclusivity by featuring diverse voices and perspectives within their content and creating a culture of inclusion.
3. Events & Hospitality - Event planners and hospitality companies can ensure that all guests feel welcomed and included by creating environments that are accessible and cater to people with different backgrounds and abilities.

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