Human Trafficking & Modern-Day Slavery Flourish In North America

Human Trafficking & Modern-Day Slavery Flourish In North America

Human trafficking and modern-day slavery are alive and well... and not just in Third World countries. Experts say that locations in the US are top destinations for human traffickers who bring thousands and thousands of captives to the country. As for slavery, all you have to do is take a look at cheap labour industries and you'll find labor exploitation. And the victims are not only immigrants - American runaways, addicts and the homeless are among the growing number of exploited individuals with nowhere to turn.
Trend Themes
1. Increasing Awareness of Human Trafficking - The growing concern about human trafficking sets an opportunity for businesses to detect and prevent it, and provide support to the victims.
2. Implementation of Modern Identification Technologies - The adoption and integration of modern technologies such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning can aid in identifying and tracking human trafficking activities.
3. Collaboration Between Law Enforcement and Business Sector - A closer partnership between law enforcement agencies and businesses can improve the proactive identification and prevention of human trafficking activities in various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The transportation industry (e.g. airlines, trucking, shipping) can better monitor their operations for suspicious activities and train their staff to identify signs of human trafficking among travelers and cargo.
2. Hospitality - The hotel and tourism industry can play a crucial role in combatting human trafficking by increasing staff training, implementing stricter identification procedures, and partnering with law enforcement to report suspicious behaviour or criminal activity.
3. Retail and Manufacturing - Industries relying on cheap labour (e.g. apparel, construction, food processing) should be more proactive in addressing labour exploitation, adopting transparent supply chain practices and collaborating with human rights organizations to prevent and address human trafficking.

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