Hiccup-Curing Lollipops

13-Year-Old Mallory Kievman Invents Delicious Hiccupops

Having a case of the hiccups can be extremely frustrating especially when considering all of the 'cures' out there are not very reliable, but one resourceful 13-year-old has created an inventive product that can eradicate this issue forever: Hiccupops. Hiccupops is a patent-pending lollipop that was developed in Mallory Kievman's very own kitchen. Made out of a simple mixture of apple cider vinegar and sugar, she explains that Hiccupops trigger "a set of nerves in your throat and mouth that are responsible for the hiccup reflex arc. It basically over-stimulates those nerves and cancels out the message to hiccup."

To help develop Hiccupops, Kievman will be receiving a team of MBA students from the University of Connecticut’s Innovation Accelerator program. Hiccupops might soon be available in school nurses’ offices and drugstores.
Trend Themes
1. Innovative Food Products - The creation of innovative and unconventional food products like Hiccupops.
2. Home-made Solutions - An increased interest in crafting homemade solutions for common issues.
3. Preventative Medicine - The exploration of alternative medical remedies that are preventative rather than reactive.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunities for new and creative food products that offer unconventional solutions to common issues.
2. Diy/home Products - Innovation in DIY/home products that can be used to solve everyday issues.
3. Alternative Medicine - The growth and exploration of alternative medicine as a preventative measure rather than a reactive measure.

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