2D Cartoon Lamp Illustrations

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Hexalights by Marcus Tremonto are Colorful Cubes of Light

The New York-based graphic designer Marcus Tremonto works with concepts like light, lamps and color to create a series of illustrations that shine by its creativity and visual effects.

Inspired French Pop comics of the 1960s, his latest series called 'Hexalights' consists of 2D lamps that were made using electroluminescent paper and graphics. This paper is made of organic material and plastic in order to emit light with the help of an electric current. These cubes were drawn in a way that appear to be three dimensional, creating a rich feeling of light and form. The drawings are so real that it's difficult to discern what's art and what's reality.

Hexalights by Marcus Tremonto shows the designer expertise in the subject and why his work has been exhibited internationally.
Trend Themes
1. Electroluminescent Art - The use of electroluminescent paper and graphics to create art and design.
2. 2D to 3D Illusions - Designs and illustrations that create a sense of 3D using 2D materials and techniques.
3. Graphic Design with Light - Incorporating light as a medium in graphic design and illustration to create unique and visually stunning pieces.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Using electroluminescent paper and graphics to create unique and visually stunning pieces that incorporate light in the creative process.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Using 2D to 3D illusions in advertising and marketing materials to create a visually striking and memorable message for consumers.
3. Entertainment - Incorporating graphic design with light in live performances and events to create a unique and memorable experience for attendees.

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