Rehydrating Hemp Drinks

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OEM's Replenishing Drink Comes from a Line of Japanese-Inspired Remedies

OEM recently launched a line of Japanese-inspired cold remedies that includes skin-repairing balms, congestion-clearing menthol creams and hemp drinks. The Rehydrating Drink relies on both trusted remedies and modern solutions, since it offers a blend of vitamins, L-theanine and electrolytes with 10 milligrams of broad-spectrum hemp extract. The calming drink is made with natural ingredients and no artificial sweeteners, and it's ideal for not just times of feeling unwell but also replenishing after a workout, a hot bath, depletion or dehydration.

Like the other products in the line, this one boasts minimalist green packaging that promises to speak to Millennial and Gen Z consumers. The brand also offers packs of hand sanitizers and refills, which are particularly relevant for the current times.
Trend Themes
1. Hemp-infused Drinks - Manufacturers can explore more variants of hemp-infused drinks, which provide calming and replenishing properties.
2. Minimalist Packaging - Brands can adopt minimalist and eco-friendly packaging that speaks to Millennial and Gen Z consumers.
3. Japanese-inspired Remedies - There is a growing trend in the market for Japanese-inspired remedies that businesses can leverage to create niche products.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The beverage industry can create hemp-infused beverages and tap into the market for calming and replenishing drinks.
2. Skincare Industry - Skincare businesses can create natural and skin-repairing balms that cater to consumers looking for trusted remedies.
3. Health and Wellness Industry - There is an opportunity for businesses in the health and wellness industry to create products based on Japanese-inspired remedies that appeal to health-conscious consumers.

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