Sailor-Themed Kombucha Rebranding

Health-Ade Has Rebranded to Offer a More Modern-Looking Beverage

Health-Ade offers a wide range of kombuchas and enlisted the brand ROOK to redesign the packaging for its beverages.

The brand previously offered its products in bottles with branding that resembled pharmaceutical labeling, but one that was not in keeping with what modern-day consumers tend to be attracted to. ROOK transformed the bottles to look much more contemporary, keeping the shape and logo of the bottles but adding a more modern twist. The resulting labeling is much more vibrant, simple and more likely to appeal to younger consumers.

The kombucha products themselves come in a range of flavors, with everything from standard flavors like pomegranate, original and plum, to more unique ones like carrot, beet and cayenne.
Trend Themes
1. Modern Kombucha Packaging - Rebranding kombucha packaging with a modern twist to appeal to younger consumers presents an opportunity for designers to create innovative label designs that stand out.
2. Unique Kombucha Flavors - Creating new and unique kombucha flavors like carrot, beet, and cayenne presents an opportunity for food and beverage companies to cater to consumers looking for exciting and healthy beverage options.
3. Personalized Beverage Packaging - Creating personalized packaging for kombucha brands that cater to different consumer preferences (e.g. minimalist design, bold colors) presents an opportunity for designers to create unique and personalized packaging solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Packaging Design - The rebranding of kombucha packaging by Health-Ade presents an opportunity for packaging designers to create innovative label designs that cater to modern-day consumers.
2. Food and Beverage - Creating new and unique kombucha flavors by Health-Ade presents an opportunity for the food and beverage industry to cater to customers looking for exciting and healthy beverage options.
3. Personalized Consumer Products - Creating personalized packaging for kombucha brands by Health-Ade presents an opportunity for companies to cater to different consumer preferences and create unique and personalized packaging solutions.

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