Biometric Virus Screening Apps

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Health Pass by CLEAR Offers Technology Linked to One's Identity

With the global pandemic at hand, technology company CLEAR created a brand new ID technology that features COVID-19 screenings entitled 'Health Pass.' CLEAR is recognized as the company that developed the special paid biometric ID service that seamlessly allows travellers to flow through the airport.

Health Pass is developed by CLEAR for employees, consumers, and those that have travelled to connect their health check and identities with employers, hotels, airlines, restaurants, and more. This way, there is a safe screening process to those who enter their space or use any services offered. Users verify their identity on their phone using biometric technology, answer health questions, and upload their COVID-19 lab results. CLEAR states about the Health Pass program, "once a member verifies their health and identity with their face or QR code, you decide whether they enter your venue."
Trend Themes
1. Biometric Health Screening - Biometric screening technology tied to personal identities for COVID-19 safety measures
2. Contactless Identity Verification - Use of biometric technology for identity verification minimizes physical contact
3. Health Passports - Development of digital health passports as a way to safely reopen businesses
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants can use biometric health screening technology to ensure the safety of their guests and employees.
2. Airports and Travel - Biometric health screening can be used for airline passengers to provide a safer travel experience.
3. Workplaces - Employers can utilize Health Pass technology to ensure a safe work environment for employees.

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