Gender Fluid Makeup Collections

The Harris Reed X MAC Collection was Inspired by 70s Glam Rockers

The Harris Reed X MAC collaboration offers a new take on makeup, presenting consumers with a gender fluid collection designed to appeal to all. While men have been wearing makeup for years, and plenty of prominent makeup artists identify as male, few lines exist that were directly inspired by gender fluidity.

According to the brand, the line was styled after the glam aesthetics of 70s rock legends, like David Bowie, Prince, and Mick Jagger, who often expressed themselves on-stage wearing over-the-top makeup looks. The collection, which Reed described as "Romanticism Gone Nonbinary,", includes a nine-color eye shadow palette with hues ranging from pastels to metallic, an eyeliner pencil in a gold colorway, three lipsticks, blushes, and more.
Trend Themes
1. Gender Fluid Makeup Collections - The rise of gender fluid makeup collections represents a disruptive innovation opportunity for the cosmetics industry.
2. Nonbinary Beauty Products - Nonbinary beauty products are becoming a trend. Brands that offer nonbinary makeup options have the potential to disrupt the traditional gender binary in the beauty industry.
3. 70's Glam Rock Makeup Revival - The revival of 70's glam rock makeup inspirations creates an opportunity for makeup companies to collaborate with fashion designers for capsule collections.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - The beauty industry has a unique opportunity to develop gender fluid makeup lines to appeal to a growing demographic of nonbinary and gender-nonconforming customers.
2. Fashion - Fashion industry designers' unique perspectives can be an asset for makeup companies looking to create innovative makeup collections with unique capsule themes.
3. LGBTQ+ - The LGBTQ+ industry is poised to benefit significantly from niche marketing in the nonbinary beauty and makeup market. Businesses that advertise specifically to nonbinary and gender-nonconforming individuals have strong potential for growth.

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