Parking Spot Sensors

Mexico's 'Handy Park' Device Protects Spaces for People with Disabilities

In Mexico, the Morelia City Transit Department developed 'Handy Park' as a way to ensure disabled parking spots are used by those who they are reserved for.

While there are painted markings to designate spots for people with disabilities, they are sometimes occupied by able-bodied people. In order to cut down on this kind of activity, the Morelia City Transit Department developed Handy Park, which has a built-in camera that's capable of reading a car's license plate and identifying the disability symbol. As well as discouraging people from parking where they shouldn't, Handy Park encourages people with disabilities to acquire a license plate with the right markings or a temporary permit that will give them proper parking permissions.

Drivers who are without the official disability symbol on their liscence plate are given a timed warning to vacate the parking space, before they are issued a ticket on the spot by the local transit department.
Trend Themes
1. Disability Parking Sensor Systems - Developing parking sensor systems that encourage reserved disability parking spots to be used only by those who are qualified.
2. License Plate Reading Technology - Innovating parking technologies with built-in camera sensing capabilities to help identify and enforce parking spot rules.
3. Temporary Parking Permits for Disabilities - Developing temporary disability parking permits for people with mobility issues who are in need of assistance when parking.
Industry Implications
1. Smart Parking Technology Industry - The technological advancements in the parking industry with focus on sensor technology and enforcement solutions.
2. DMV and Parking Permitting Industry - The DMV and Government in charging the development of advanced parking technology systems paired with permitting and parking enforcement solutions.
3. Smart City Technology Industry - The technology industry that focuses on providing innovative software solutions to cities to modernize their infrastructure.

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