Shower Hair Art

Lucy Gafford Posts Masterpieces Made From Hair Found In the Shower on Twitter

To prevent shower drains from clogging, many people with long hair will take the loose strands and place them on the wall to dispose of later, but this artist is taking things a step further by creating unusual hair art.

Based in Alabama, Lucy Gafford has an ongoing series on social media platform Twitter called Shower Hair Masterpiece. So far the "starving artist and life enthusiast" has posted more than 300 eccentric creations made out of human hair (presumably her own).

The hair art showcases a number of subjects from food to animals. Most recently, this includes a cup of tea, brussel sprouts, a bear and an owl. There is even an impressively detailed illustration of a person's eye. The dark hairs are typically set on an orangey background.
Trend Themes
1. Hair Art - Opportunity for artists and designers to explore new mediums and create unique hair-based artworks.
2. Social Media Art - The rise of social media platforms like Twitter provides a platform for artists to showcase their unconventional artworks and gain a global audience.
3. Unconventional Materials - Exploration of using unconventional materials in art and design, opening up new creative possibilities and challenging traditional norms.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Design - Artists and designers can utilize hair as a medium to create unique and attention-grabbing artworks, attracting a niche market.
2. Social Media - Social media platforms can leverage the popularity of unconventional art forms like hair art to engage users and generate viral content.
3. Beauty & Personal Care - Haircare brands can collaborate with hair artists to promote their products and explore the artistic side of hair care.

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