Emotional Effectography

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Guomundur Ingi Ulfarsson Changes Faces in ‘Dialogue of Emotions̵

Guðmundur Ingi Úlfarsson has created an interesting collection of art that compares what makes a face pleasant and what makes a face unpleasant. The ‘Dialogue of Emotions’ collection is a funky look at what effects emotions.

The work by Guðmundur Ingi Úlfarsson shows the same man acting out a list of different pleasant and unpleasant emotions, the final looks being compared side by side. By changing simple things like widening your eyes, it can change the overall image a lot.
Trend Themes
1. Emotional Effectography - The trend for artists or brands creating works that explore emotional expression through unconventional mediums, like portraying different facial expressions through art.
2. Facial Recognition Technology - The trend for businesses to incorporate facial recognition technology in their products or services to analyze and understand emotion to create personalized experiences for customers.
3. Emotional Intelligence in Design - The trend for designers to incorporate emotional intelligence in their designs in order to create products that communicate and connect with users on a deeper level.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can use emotional effectography to create works that explore different ways emotions can be portrayed and expressed.
2. Technology - The technology industry can use facial recognition technology to create personalized experiences for customers, such as targeted advertising and mood-based music streaming.
3. Design - The design industry can incorporate emotional intelligence into their designs to create products that communicate with users on a deeper level, such as using color psychology to evoke different emotions in branding and packaging.

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