CTV News: Jeremy Gutsche on Groupon as a Business Tool

Groupon Jeremy Gutsche

Consumers everywhere, whether recession-conscious or not, cannot resist a good deal. This is why online coupon company Groupon continues to gain popularity among frugal consumers; however, it seems this movement's influence is dwindling with small businesses. Our Chief Trend Hunter and innovation conference speaker Jeremy Gutsche visited CTV, Canada's #1 Newscast, to provide his expertise on the subject.


Theoretically, a small business' involvement with Groupon will result in more bodies through the door and thus, more exposure; though this is often the case, the company's 24-hour expiry discount model does not, in many cases, equate to loyal customers for participating companies. Gutsche thinks this is not the fault of Groupon, but of companies that "haven't totally figured out" how to use it yet, identifying the addictive site as "an interesting new business model."
Trend Themes
1. Decreased Impact of Groupon - Small businesses are becoming less reliant on Groupon as a marketing tool.
2. Loyalty Programs - Businesses may start investing in long-term loyalty programs rather than short-term discount deals.
3. Innovative Marketing Strategies - Companies are seeking alternative marketing strategies to attract and retain customers.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing - Marketing firms can capitalize on companies seeking new marketing strategies.
2. Retail - Retailers can explore new ways to incentivize customer loyalty beyond daily deals.
3. Technology - Technology companies may create new digital platforms for loyalty programs and marketing.

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