Urban Monsters

Gregor Weichbrodt Illustrates the 'Invasion'

Monsters are everywhere you look--if you're Gregor Weichbrodt, that is. For his 'Invasion' photo set, the artist placed bulbous creatures in a number of everyday settings. From fields to freeways, a vivid imagination is all you need to make this photoset feel real.

Check out some other art that celebrates monsters in our everyday lives below.

Implications - As we edge closer to the year 2012, creative artists and graphic designers have parlayed our curiosity of the unknown into apocalyptic masterpieces that integrate themes of chaos, destruction and extraterrestrial visitors. This genre of art attempts to provoke emotion in the viewer and inspire imagination by infusing fantasy elements into realistic scenarios.
Trend Themes
1. Fantastical-realism - Artists are blurring the line between reality and fantasy through the creation of apocalyptic masterpieces that integrate themes of chaos, destruction and extraterrestrial visitors, thereby providing a creative outlet for the imaginations of people around the world.
2. Everyday-monsters - As seen in Gregor Weichbrodt's 'Invasion' photo set, artists are placing bulbous creatures in a number of everyday settings, allowing individuals to see the extraordinary in the ordinary.
3. Imaginative-realities - Art that cleverly mixes real-life and fantastical scenarios is becoming popular, with artists like Gregor Weichbrodt driving society to question the limitations of imagination and allowing them to visualize alternative realities.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The fine arts industry has a chance to capitalize on these trends by providing a forum for the growing number of artists looking to explore fantasy and reality through art.
2. Graphic-design - The graphic design industry has the opportunity to help bridge the gap between fantasy and reality by incorporating fantastical creatures, like the ones seen in Gregor Weichbrodt's 'Invasion' photo set, into branding and marketing campaigns.
3. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can leverage this trend to create original content that merges reality with fantasy to offer new and unique experiences for consumers.

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