Green Skincare Collections

The 'Squeeze Green Watery' Range Has Kale, Parsley and Chlorophyll

E Nature's 'Squeeze Green Watery' is a unique, green skincare range that is best suited for those with oily and sensitive skin types who would benefit from a lightweight, hydrating skin product.

True to its name, the formulas in the range are packed with greens in the form of kale, parsley and chlorophyll extracts, which also create slightly tinted products. The Squeeze Green Watery collection consists of a toner, a gel cream, a serum and an emulsion that may be used to support the skin's natural ability to rebalance and detoxify itself.

Unlike many products for oily or acne-prone skin, the Squeeze Green Watery range delivers a hydrating solution that does not leave the skin feeling uncomfortable, heavy or greasy.
Trend Themes
1. Green Skincare - Opportunity for brands to develop eco-friendly skincare products using natural ingredients like kale, parsley, and chlorophyll.
2. Oily and Sensitive Skin - Innovation potential to create lightweight and hydrating skincare solutions specially designed for oily and sensitive skin types.
3. Detoxifying Skincare - Potential for developing products that support the skin's natural ability to rebalance and detoxify itself.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare - Opportunity for skincare brands to create new product lines focusing on green and natural ingredients.
2. Cosmetics - Innovation potential to incorporate eco-friendly ingredients and develop makeup products for oily and sensitive skin types.
3. Wellness - Opportunity to align with the growing wellness trend by offering detoxifying skincare products that promote overall skin health.

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