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Memes: Google Driverless Cars

The cleverest tweets about Google's driverless car

Nothing escapes by the Internet. Google Car Satire looks at some of the witty and at times mean things various popular and otherwise personalities have to say about Google's launch of the latest driverless cars.

While the Google Car Satire focuses on the satirical, humorous, sarcastic responses spread throughout the Internet, Google co- founder, Sergey Brin describes the driverless car as "The project [that] is about changing the world for people who are not well-served by transportation today."

Google Car Satire looks at what the Times reporter John Markoff says about this new invention. He writes that the earlier attempts by Google failed to impress him and were passed off as "boring".

However, Markoff's stand has now changed in the Google Car Satire list. "Although both [Brin], and [Google’s head of car efforts Dr. Christopher Urmson] were coy about what the search engine company wants to do with its self-driving cars, I think the answer is now clear," Markoff reports. "And it is stunning."

TechCrunch tops the Google Car Satire list with calling out the driverless cars as having meant "look like Tike cars."

Take a look at the pictures which just show how much this car has been mocked by in the Google Car Satire photo gallery.

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