Glowing Halloween Beers

This Seasonal Pumpkin Ale is Packaged in a Glow-in-the-Dark Can

In an honorable tribute to the approaching spooky season, this glowing Halloween beer can is the ideal package for a pumpkin ale. Designer Scott LePage created the Griffin Claw Brewing Company’s glowing Halloween can for its popular ‘Screamin’ Pumpkin’ brew.

The aluminum can has been decorated with an appropriately mean-looking jack-o-lantern, which is the main focus atop the can’s red background. There is also a creepy tree branch poking its way into the scene. When the lights are off, the spooky jack-o-lantern emits an eerie glows as well as the can’s label.

The appropriate glow-in-the-dark can of beer is the perfect way for adults to participate in the playful holiday. It is also a great excuse to try to Griffin Claw Brewing Company’s seasonal pumpkin ale, which will only be available for a short time.
Trend Themes
1. Glow-in-the-dark Packaging - Design packaging that glows in the dark in order to provide unique consumer experiences and stand out in crowded markets.
2. Seasonal Limited Releases - Embrace the spooky season by creating limited edition products that capitalize on the excitement and nostalgia surrounding holidays.
3. Holiday-inspired Branding - Incorporate holiday motifs and themes into branding in order to attract consumers who associate holidays with fun, creativity, and special items.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - By creating unique packaging like glowing beer cans, beverage companies can attract novelty-seeking consumers and differentiate their product from competitors.
2. Design - Designers can help companies create innovative packaging that caters to consumers' desires for unique brand experiences.
3. Marketing - By leveraging the excitement for seasonal holidays, marketers can create engaging campaigns that attract consumers and generate buzz around brands and products.

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