Cantilevered Glass Pools

AEDAS Puts Gives Guests a View with at the Hotel Indigo in Hong Kong

AEDAS has taken the design of glass pools to a whole new level in the most literal sense. Located at the top of the Indigo Hotel in Hong Kong, the design is cantilevered, and extends out from the roof so that swimmers can see the ground below.

This pool design is the closest swimmers will get to the feeling of flying without risk of injury. The bottom of the pool is made from a sturdy glass material, so that people have a clear view of people walking through the streets of Hong Kong. Conversely, passersby can look up and see guests moving leisurely through the water above. This development is just one of the many luxury offerings that the city of Hong Kong can provide. Photo Credits: designboom, aedas
Trend Themes
1. Cantilevered Pools - The integration of cantilevers in pool designs can offer swimmers an elevated experience and, therefore, offer hoteliers a competitive advantage in luxury hospitality
2. Glass Bottom Pools - The use of glass for pool bottom construction can offer swimmers a unique and intriguing perspective and be utilized as a marketable feature in promotional material.
3. Skyline Pools - The construction of an infinity pool overlooking a city skyline can be an innovative focal point in luxury development projects.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Hospitality - The incorporation of innovative pool designs can set luxurious establishments apart from competitors and enhance guest experience.
2. Glass Manufacturing - The creation of durable and sturdy glass materials is necessary for safe cantilevered and glass-bottomed pool construction.
3. Real Estate Development - The integration of innovative architectural features, such as skyline infinity pools, can add tangible value to a property and enhance potential investor interest.

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