Intimate Stranger Photography

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Giulia Bersani Gets to Know a Stranger in Her Latest Series

Photographer Giulia Bersani tells the intimate story of a woman she met on Facebook through her latest series 'Stronger.'

We all use Facebook as a means of keeping in touch with old friends and colleagues (and by "keeping in touch" I mean "stalking their lives"). But what about using Facebook as a mode for meeting new, interesting people? Looking for an enagaging story to tell through her work, Bersani put out a call for a photographic subject on her Facebook page. A woman from Napoli replied, describing her life as both "beautiful and damned." Intrigued, Bersani traveled to Napoli to meet Glada, a mother to a ten-year-old girl with a heavy, difficult past of drugs and family problems.

Bersani breaks the barrier of "stranger" to "friend" in order to tell Glada's story through her beautiful, saturated images.
Trend Themes
1. Intimate Stranger Photography - A growing trend in photography of intimately telling the stories of complete strangers through beautiful imagery.
2. Social Media Networking for Inspiration - Social media like Facebook is increasingly being used as a platform to connect with new people and opportunities for creative inspiration.
3. Personal Photography Projects - Photographers are turning to personal projects like 'Stronger' to push their artistic boundaries and tell meaningful stories.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry has an opportunity to capture and communicate the human stories of complete strangers and break traditional photography boundaries.
2. Social Media Marketing - Businesses could leverage social media as a platform to encourage unique collaborations and ultimately engage and build better relationships with their followers.
3. Art and Design - There is an opportunity for the art and design industry to inspire new, boundary-pushing projects by examining how photography can communicate intimate stories to a wider audience.

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