Hidden Face Female Pictures

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'Paper Bag Girls' By Gina Kiel Covers up Her Subjects' Visages

These Gina Kiel illustrations show females with their heads covered up with paper bags.

Titled 'Paper Bag Girls', the Gina Kiel series features the bodacious bods of extremely curvy women who have their heads draped in brown paper bags. The bags themselves have smiley faces on them, which is kind of ironic as its simplicity greatly contrasts that of the realistically rendered torsos in each painting.

Every image in the 'Paper Bag Girls' series also contains elements of the surreal. For instance, one of the females has gills on her ribs as well as a head viewers can only assume is made up of tentacles. Another has two chicks in a pool of fire cooking slabs of meat. Are these images of dreams or nightmares?
Trend Themes
1. Hidden Face Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways to incorporate hidden or obscured faces in art to create intrigue and create unique visual experiences.
2. Surreal Illustrations - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Push the boundaries of traditional illustration by creating surreal and fantastical elements that challenge viewers' perceptions.
3. Body Positivity - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize art and design to celebrate diverse body types and challenge societal beauty standards.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Illustration - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new techniques and mediums for artistic expression that push the boundaries of traditional art forms.
2. Fashion and Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create unique and unconventional fashion accessories that incorporate hidden or obscured faces, adding an element of mystery and intrigue to personal style.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use hidden or obscured faces in advertising campaigns to capture attention, create curiosity, and generate intrigue among consumers.

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