Anti-Abuse Gift Registries

Myer's 'Give Registry' is a Gift Registry with a Social Good Twist

In addition to having its own gift registry service, Meyer teamed up with The Salvation Army to create the 'Give Registry.' Just like an ordinary gift registry service, people are able to browse through a selection of desired items, but rather than picking out items for a newlywed couple, people have the chance to choose specifically selected items to help victims of domestic abuse.

Items in the Give Registry include pots, pans, bed sheets and assorted kitchen utensils, which can all be purchased on behalf of a woman in need. To participate, consumers need only visit a local Meyer store and make an in-store donation. From there, Meyer passes these items onto The Salvation Army, so that they can be distributed among women in need of basic household essentials.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-abuse Gift Registries - A new trend in gift giving focused on social good, allowing people to purchase household essentials for women victims of domestic abuse.
2. Socially Conscious Gift Giving - A trend towards more socially aware and ethical gift giving.
3. Collaborative Campaigns - A trend towards companies partnering with non-profits or charities to promote social good.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers that offer gift registries can introduce similar registry programs focused on social good.
2. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations can collaborate with retailers to create social good registries.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods brands could donate a portion of sales to a social good registry program, or create their own.

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