Sensational Stop-Motion Apps

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Gif Shop Lets You Create Looping Animations on Your iPhone

The Gif Shop app, which is available for the iPhone, lets you have a little fun on your mobile device: the app makes it easy to create stop-motions on the go. After you have created your perfect stop-motion you can share it across Facebook and Twitter from within the app.

What I really like about the Gif Shop app is that it encourages creativity in an unlikely place: your iPhone. Android users can download Gif Stitch from the Android Market.

Implications - Youth consumers are have a range of technological devices and they are constantly connected. This consumer is looking for ways to be creators of content and not simply consumers of information. Companies should find ways to enable the creativity of this demographic through a technological medium.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Stop-motion - The popularity of stop-motion animation on mobile devices is growing, with Gif Shop leading the way.
2. User-created Content - Consumers are increasingly looking for ways to create and share their own content through mobile apps like Gif Shop.
3. Tech-enabled Creativity - As the demand for user-generated content grows, there is an opportunity for companies to develop new technologies to aid in creative content production and sharing.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - The success of Gif Shop and Gif Stitch highlights the potential for more mobile app development in the stop-motion animation sphere.
2. Social Media - As Gif Shop makes it easy to share created content on social media, the trend towards user-generated content in social media is set to continue.
3. Tech Accessories - As smartphones and tablets become more geared towards creative content production, there is an opportunity for companies to develop accessories to aid in the process.

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