Augmented Reality History Apps

This Pokemon Go-Inspired App Helps You Get To Know Moscow

"Get To Know Moscow. Photo" is the name of an innovative new smartphone app, launched by Moscow City Hall, that makes use of augmented reality gaming techniques inspired by Pokemon Go to enable players to get to know the history of the Russian capital city a little better.

This particular app places a variety of historically important Russian figures, ranging from cosmonaut Yury Gagarin to Soviet rock pioneer Viktor Tsoi, appear in different parts of the city, although they don't give away hints and signs as to where they are. Players are required to use a compass located within the app to find the characters, who they can then take selfies with, enabling them to both get to know Moscow and learn about historical figures.

This app is a great example of popular and widespread augmented reality gaming technologies being used for an educational purpose.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality History Apps - The use of augmented reality gaming techniques in educational apps allows users to learn about historical figures and landmarks.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - Developers can create innovative mobile apps that incorporate augmented reality gaming techniques for educational purposes.
2. Tourism and Travel - The tourism and travel industry can incorporate augmented reality history apps to enhance visitor experiences and provide educational content.
3. Education and Learning - Educational institutions can utilize augmented reality history apps as interactive tools for teaching history and engaging students.

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