User-Controlled Glass Surfaces

Gauzy's Liquid Crystal Controllers Resemble an LCD Screen

The Liquid Crystal Controllers concept by Gauzy will change the way we interact with billboards, windows and blinds. Based in Israel, the brand has introduced a new technology that allows users to customize the transparency of glass in a way that is similar to an LCD TV.

Dimming or making glass transparent is easier than ever with the help of this sustainable product that lets users transform their surroundings with the flip of a switch. Though this concept by Gauzy is still awaiting a patent, its user-friendly features will appeal to home and restaurant owners as well as others in the hospitality field.

Whether making your home or hotel room windows more or less transparent, the Liquid Crystal Controllers system will change the way you experience different spaces.
Trend Themes
1. Liquid-crystal Control - Gauzy's innovation will likely inspire other developments in user-controlled glass applications.
2. Customizable Glass - Other glass-product manufacturers might develop new customizable products to compete with Gauzy.
3. Iot Glass - Entire floors and buildings might soon be planned with smart glass as an integral feature.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Properties with user-controlled glass surfaces will soon be in high demand.
2. Retail - Advertisers could potentially use these glass surfaces to display or project vibrant ads that are difficult to ignore.
3. Hospitality - Hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality venues will likely invest in user-controlled glass surfaces to enhance guest experiences.

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