Hairy Screen Savers

Purchasing This Fun Screen Saver Raises Money for Movember

This fun screen saver, or as it is better known, The Screen Shaver, was developed as part of a Movember fundraising campaign. The quirky screen saver features an animation of one hairy dude and when your computer is not in use, he begins shaving off all of his body hair—except for that wicked moustache. The Screen Shaver is available for both PC and Mac computers, and can be downloaded for just $1.99, with all proceeds going towards The Movember Foundation.

The Screen Shaver creators Bas van de Poel, Daan van Dam and Wong Ping developed this Movember project as a way to involve those who can't get their own beard or moustache going, or those who are are just too lazy to bother with grooming. Whether you're choosing to rock and epic 'stache this November or not, this is a great way to support research and raise awareness for men's health issues and cancers.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Fundraising - Creating innovative digital products, like The Screen Shaver, to raise funds for charitable causes.
2. Quirky Screen Savers - Developing unique and entertaining screen savers as a way to engage users and support important causes.
3. Men's Health Awareness - Using creative initiatives, such as Movember, to promote awareness and funding for men's health issues.
Industry Implications
1. Software Development - Finding new ways to create engaging and interactive software applications, like The Screen Shaver, that serve a purpose beyond entertainment.
2. Charitable Organizations - Leveraging digital platforms and products to enhance fundraising efforts and create fun, interactive experiences for supporters.
3. Healthcare and Wellness - Partnering with organizations like Movember to develop innovative campaigns that raise awareness and funds for men's health issues.

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