Bacon Gift-Endorsing Infographics

This Fun Infographic States Bacon is the Best Gift for Dad

This fun infographic is bacon company Oscar Mayer’s way of promoting the gift of bacon for any special holiday. The infographic includes statistics on what people usually purchase for their dads and proceeds on to pitch what people should actually be purchasing for their dads. "Ditch the tie, dad wants bacon!" says the bacon sellers.

The infographic also includes data on how dads have been reacting to conventional gifts, like ties. The statistics aren’t always completely relevant—like the fact that 25 per cent of dads think ties are the worst gifts—but this adds some sort of insight that your dad could be one of those who hate ties. Other stats like the fact that dad wants quality time with family and likes to eat out all add up to the sensible conclusion that dad wants bacon!
Trend Themes
1. Bacon Gifting Trend - Bacon as a unique gift idea continues to gain momentum as seen in Oscar Mayer’s promotion.
2. Infographics for Product Promotion - Using visually appealing and informative infographics for promoting products to potential consumers.
3. Alternative Gift Ideas Trend - Consumers are increasingly seeking out unique or unconventional gift ideas, with bacon being just one example.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - With products such as bacon gaining popularity as gifts, the food and beverage industry can further promote gift-worthy items to consumers.
2. Marketing Industry - The use of infographics in product promotions presents an opportunity for the marketing industry to create more visually engaging and informative content for consumers.
3. Retail Industry - The retail industry can benefit from the trend of alternative gifting ideas by featuring more unconventional gift items, such as bacon.

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