Incredible Edible Statistics

Visual Economics' Food Consumption in America Infographic is Shocking

The website Visual Economics unloads this sobering infographic entitled Food Consumption in America. This painfully truthful breakdown of the eating habits of Americans is expected to be heavy, but even with this expectation, it still manages to shock. It is well known that more Americans suffer from weight-related health problems, such as obesity and diabetes, than any other group of countrymen in the world. With several fast food tycoons calling the good ol' US of A home, it's not a surprise that American citizens stumble in the face of soda, saturated fats and refined sweeteners.

According to the Food Consumption in America infographic, the average American consumes an average of 29-lbs of french fries every year. They wash those salty treats down with 53 gallons of soda, which works out to a whopping gallon a week. Perhaps the most disconcerting statistic is the amount of sodium they eat. Close to 3-lbs of sodium enters the average American's blood stream every year. This amount is 47% higher than the recommended intake.

Not only is excess weight hard on the heart, it wears on the joints of social progress as well. Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle curbs behavioral problems, mood swings and problems with concentration. The sooner everyone learns how to nourish themselves, properly the faster full potential will be realized.
Trend Themes
1. Healthy Fast Food Alternatives - As Americans struggle with obesity and related health problems, there is an opportunity for food and restaurant industries to provide healthier, yet still convenient, fast food options.
2. Sodium Reduction Products - With Americans consuming significantly more sodium than the recommended intake, there is a growing need and opportunity for food companies to create products with reduced sodium content.
3. Sugar Reduction Initiatives - As Americans consume large quantities of refined sweeteners, there is a need for food and beverage industries to innovate and provide products with reduced sugar content.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food Industry - The fast food industry can address the unhealthy eating habits of Americans by providing healthier options including low-calorie and low-sodium menu items.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry can create products with reduced sugar and sodium content catering to the increasing health-conscious customers.
3. Fitness Industry - The fitness industry has an opportunity to collaborate with the other industries to provide health and nutrition education to customers as well as in personal training and nutrition programs.

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