Educational Breast-Critiquing Apps

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‘Fit or Not’ Tests Women on Their Bra-Fitting Knowl

Brayola is an online shopping experience specializing in braziers. In order to help women understand the difference between a properly fitted bra from one that is not, founder Orit Hashay launched a new feature called ‘Fit or Not.'

‘Fit or Not’ is resembles a ‘Hot or Not’ ranking system; women put on their favorite bra, take a photo of themselves in it and upload it to the digital platform. Other users of ‘Fit or Not’ can then rate whether or not they think the the bra looks like a good fit. After voting, they can proceed to the next pair of breasts to critique.

Hashay says many times women are surprised to see their answers are wrong. The feature serves an educational purpose; however, the visual content of the app has been subject to much controversy.
Trend Themes
1. Body-fitting Apps - Develop apps that allow users to upload images of their body part in question and receive a fitting analysis with recommendations.
2. Virtual Fitting Rooms - Introduce VR shopping experiences that allow customers to virtually try on clothes before purchasing, improving the online shopping experience.
3. Crowdsourced Feedback - Create platforms that allow customers to provide feedback on products and services, providing valuable insights and improving customer satisfaction.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion E-commerce - Online fashion retailers can use similar app features to help customers find the right fit, increase sales, and reduce return rates.
2. Beauty and Cosmetics - Apps that analyze the user's facial features and provide recommendations for products that will enhance their appearance can increase engagement with beauty and cosmetics brands.
3. Health and Wellness - Health and wellness brands can utilize similar technology to help clients track their progress and provide personalized recommendations for fitness and nutrition plans.

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