Internet-Independent Chat Apps

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'FireChat' Lets You Chat without Internet or a Cellphone Signal

FireChat is an iOS app that lets you chat with people even if you don’t have an Internet connection or cellphone signal. The app leverages the new Multipeer Connectivity Framework introduced in the iOS 7 mobile operating system to enable chatting and connectivity when there is Internet and cellphone service as well as when you’re off the grid.

With FireChat, you can chat and share photos with a single person or a group of people, much like you can in a WhatsApp group but without needing an Internet connection.

Despite this impressive capability, FireChat is a lightweight program that doesn’t cause excessive battery drain.

According to the CEO of Open Garden, the company that launched the FireChat app, "We may think that we depend on the Internet for everything. Fire chat proves that it’s not always the case."
Trend Themes
1. Internet-independent Chat - The trend of chat applications that operate without the need for an internet connection or cellphone signal presents disruptive innovation opportunities in remote areas or during natural disasters.
2. Multipeer Connectivity Framework - The adoption of the Multipeer Connectivity Framework in mobile operating systems opens up possibilities for innovative chat applications that can function even without internet or cell signal.
3. Lightweight Chat Apps - The development of lightweight chat apps, such as FireChat, that do not drain excessive battery power offers disruptive innovation opportunities for users seeking efficient communication tools.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Technology - The mobile technology industry can explore opportunities to develop internet-independent chat apps that cater to users in remote areas or during connectivity disruptions.
2. Communication - The communication industry can leverage the Multipeer Connectivity Framework to create innovative chat applications that offer connectivity in scenarios where traditional internet-based communication is not available.
3. App Development - The app development industry can focus on creating lightweight chat apps that maximize battery efficiency and offer seamless communication experiences even in challenging network conditions.

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