Expressive Fashion Emojis

'Fashion Emojis We Wished Existed' Give Fashionistas a Voice

It's odd that the only fashion emojis people have at their disposal revolve around comical-looking heels and smooch marks when this modern-day form of hieroglyphics has become so embedded in our everyday communication patterns.

This is why illustrator Chole Wise and The Coveteur created the 'Fashion Emojis We Wished Existed' collection of fashion-related emojis to help us express ourselves when the regular sad faces just won't cut it.

Emojis really have become a way to voice how people feel about fashion mishaps and successes. Even though the peeps at Apple have given the world every emoticon imaginable from aliens to historic buildings, its team seems to have forgotten the fashionistas -- where's the fashion-related emotion that will express what it feels like to find a collection of vintage Chanel bags as opposed to a sale at the Gap?
Trend Themes
1. Fashion Emojis - Creating fashion-related emojis that better express people's feelings and experiences in the fashion industry.
2. Emoticon Expansion - Expanding the range of emojis available to include more diverse and specific categories, such as fashion-related emotions.
3. Visual Communication - Using emojis as a form of visual communication to express thoughts and experiences related to fashion.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Opportunity for fashion brands and retailers to create and utilize fashion emojis to engage with consumers on a more emotional level.
2. Technology Industry - Tech companies can develop new emoji applications and platforms that focus on fashion-related emojis to enhance digital communication.
3. Social Media Industry - Opportunity for social media platforms to incorporate fashion emojis into their platforms to cater to fashion enthusiasts and enhance user engagement.

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