Resealable Cold Brew Bottles

Far Coast's Coffee Beverages are Packaged in Aluminum Bottles

For the first time, Coca-Cola is venturing into cold brew coffee with its Far Coast brand, with new products set to launch early next year. The cold brew coffee products are offered in varieties like Single Source Ethiopian, Signature Blend Latin American and Café con Leche, which does include milk, each of which is packaged in an aluminum bottle that has the advantage of being resealed.

It has taken years for cold brew to attract consumer attention beyond coffee bars and now, cold-brewed coffee is one of today's fastest-growing beverage categories. Although cold brew coffee takes a considerable amount of time to be prepared, ready-to-drink versions of the product offer convenience, as well as significantly less of the acidity and bitterness that comes with drinking a hot cup of brewed coffee.
Trend Themes
1. Ready-to-drink Cold Brew - This trend reflects the growing consumer demand for convenient and less acidic options in the coffee beverage industry.
2. Resealable Packaging - This trend addresses the need for consumers to easily consume and save their cold brew coffee without compromising freshness.
3. Expanding Cold Brew Market - This trend indicates the increasing popularity and market potential for cold brew coffee.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - The beverage industry can utilize the trend of ready-to-drink cold brew to introduce innovative products that cater to convenience-seeking consumers.
2. Packaging - The packaging industry can leverage the trend of resealable packaging to provide solutions that preserve the freshness and quality of cold brew beverages.
3. Coffee - The coffee industry should embrace the expanding cold brew market trend to develop new flavor profiles and capitalize on the growing consumer interest in cold brew coffee.

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