Family-Focused Meditation Apps

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The 'Calm' App Offers Discounted Subscriptions For Families

While there is a diverse range of meditation apps available on the market, the fact of the matter is the majority of these apps are targeted towards individuals, an approach that is now set to be diversified with the advent of the Calm meditation app's 'Premium Family' subscription.

The 'Premium Family' subscription plan allows up to six different members of your family to access the Calm meditation app's offerings for a price of $99.99 per year.

All members that are recruited into a family subscription plan get their uniquely individualized account which only they can log into. While family members share the savings that are made possible by a group subscription, their personal history, statistics and other information are not shared with other family members.

Comprising a vast array of offerings ranging from bedtime stories and mood check-ins to uplifting stories and performance-focused assistance, the Calm meditation app is well and truly looking to enhance the mental wellness of entire families rather than focusing on individuals alone.
Trend Themes
1. Family-focused Meditation Apps - Meditation apps that offer subscription plans for families can target a broader audience and provide personalized content to each family member.
2. Wellness for All Ages - Meditation apps that cater to families can enhance the mental wellness of individuals and entire families, regardless of age.
3. Personalized Wellness Programs - Family-focused meditation apps can provide customized wellness programs that cater to the specific needs of each family member.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - Companies in the health and wellness sector can incorporate family-focused meditation apps to diversify their range of products and target a larger audience.
2. Education - Schools and other educational institutions can offer family-focused meditation apps to promote mental wellness among students and their families.
3. Technology - More companies in the technology industry can develop meditation apps that cater to families, providing innovative solutions for improving mental wellness.

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