3D-Printed Profiles

Artist Lorna Barnshaw Replicates Distorted Facial Features Digitally

Romantic and forlorn in a hauntingly twisted way, the replicated facial features printed by Lorna Barnshaw have a strangely distorted semblance of reality.

Starting with prints of the images she wishes to create, the artist then transfers her incomplete and purposefully flawed faces into a digital medium. Using a 3D printer, the faces envisioned by the artist become a reality, slowly forming layer by layer until their misshapen profiles take shape in the physical world.

Simultaneously bizarre and beautiful, the cracked complexions and deathly glazed eyes of this sculptural series are a chilling testament to the way 3D printing can make even the most fantastical artistic imaginations take on a real existence. The delicate facial features have a renaissance quality that is captivating.
Trend Themes
1. Distorted 3D Printing - The use of 3D printing technology to create distorted facial features and unique forms of artistic expression.
2. Digital Sculpture - Exploration of transforming incomplete images into digital format, and then subsequently converted into physical sculptures to create uncanny forms of art.
3. Imperfect Beauty - Embracing flaws and imperfections in 3D-printed art as a new form of beauty.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Art - Fine arts industries can explore the use of 3D printing technology as a new medium for unique artistic expression.
2. Fashion - Fashion industries can explore 3D printing technology to create innovative new designs that push the boundaries of the traditional fashion industry and lead to unique expression.
3. Sculpture - Sculpture industries could have a market for 3D-printed statues and sculptures capturing the beauty of imperfect features.

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