Mind-Defending Fashion

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Fabrica Anti-NIS Accessories Keep Your Mind Safe from Prying Eyes

Fabrica Anti-NIS accessories were created to keep your mind safe from the prying eyes of spies. This line of accessories was created by Fabrica’s Lisa Kori Chung and Caitlin Morris to shield your mind when it is being scanned by neuro imaging statistics technology. The idea is that the NIS technology would scan your brain to see what you’re thinking, but the Fabrica Anti-NIS Accessories would quickly change your thoughts to something innocuous.

The Fabrica Anti-NIS Accessories would do this by providing stimulation to momentarily distract you. For example: When the hat senses your mind being read, it would provide a small sound pulse that would make your concentration momentarily switch to wonder about said sound, thus keeping your true thoughts safe.
Trend Themes
1. Mind-defending Fashion - Fabrica Anti-NIS accessories protect against mind-scanning technology.
2. Neuro Imaging Statistics Technology - The use of neuro imaging statistics technology to scan brains is a growing trend in privacy invasion.
3. Stimulating Distraction Accessories - The development of accessories that provide stimulation to distract and protect against mind-scanning technology.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can explore opportunities to integrate innovative and protective technologies into their designs.
2. Privacy and Security - The privacy and security industry can develop advanced technologies to counteract mind-scanning technology.
3. Neuroscience Research - The field of neuroscience research can explore implications and ethical considerations of mind-scanning technology.

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