Touchscreen Transit Maps

Eye Stop Bus Shelter is the Best Route to a Better City

Designed by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Eye Stop Bus Shelter is equipped with an interactive touchscreen map so you can easily route your way home.

I think we’ve all been in the situation where we had to take an unknown bus route to get to a certain destination, only to get off after and forget the route home. There is nothing worse than standing at a bus stop without a map of only kind and then blindly stepping on board not knowing where you’ll end up. The Eye Stop Bus Shelter could be the answer to relieving that stress and anxiousness.

A design like this so brilliant, I just can’t believe it wasn’t implemented years ago already!
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Bus Shelters - The integration of interactive technology in bus shelters can increase convenience and reduce the anxiety of passengers navigating unknown routes.
2. Smart Transit Maps - Smart transit maps that use interactive touchscreen technology can provide users with real-time information and optimize the transit experience.
3. Innovative Urban Infrastructure - The Eye Stop Bus Shelter is just one example of the potential for innovation in urban infrastructure that can greatly benefit city dwellers.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The transportation industry can explore and invest in interactive technologies that can enhance the transit experience for riders.
2. Urban Design and Architecture - Urban designers and architects can incorporate more interactive and innovative elements in public spaces like bus shelters to improve city living.
3. Information Technology - Information technology companies can develop smart transit mapping software and touch-screen technologies for public use in transportation and other industries.

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