Celebrity Ice Cream

Eva Longoria for Magnum Mayan Mystica

Magnum, one of the world's largest ice cream companies, was able to snag Eva Longoria as the face of the campaign for their new flavor, Magnum Mayan Mystica. The sexy TV spot aired this week in the UK.

"New Magnum 'Mayan Mystica' is inspired by the ancient origins of chocolate, the Mayan Indian culture, thought to be the birthplace of chocolate in 500 BC," Talking Retail says.

"The new ad sees new Magnum girl Eva Longoria in a mystical Mayan temple as she unlocks the secret of pure ice cream indulgence and is sure to be another resounding commercial success."

The Desperate Housewife is of Latin decent, making her a good fit for the Mayan chocolate ice cream.

"Magnum Mayan Mystica is made from a decadent blend of chocolate ice cream coated with Magnum milk chocolate, blended with cinnamon, honey and nutmeg flavours to create a mystical Mayan-style recipe," says TalkingRetail.com.

You'd think with someone this hot holding a frosted treat, the ice cream would be melting all over her! Now THAT would make a good ad!

Longoria in a sexy Portuguese ad:

The Making Of:

Trend Themes
1. Celebrity Endorsements - Ice cream and beverage companies can engage their consumers by leveraging celebrity endorsements to create a buzz around new products and flavors.
2. Cultural Inspiration - Food and beverage companies can explore local cultures and traditions to create unique and novel flavors that appeal to consumers seeking new and exciting taste experiences.
3. Mystical Experiences - Companies can tap into the growing interest in mystical experiences and leverage them to create compelling marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers seeking adventure and wonder.
Industry Implications
1. Ice Cream - Ice cream companies can leverage new flavors and ingredients, such as cinnamon, honey and nutmeg, to create unique and novel products that appeal to consumers looking for a new, exciting taste experience.
2. Beverage - Beverage companies can explore local cultures and traditions to create unique and novel flavors, like the ancient origins of chocolate, that appeal to consumers seeking new and exciting taste experiences.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can leverage the growing interest in mystical experiences and create innovative virtual reality experiences that transport consumers to otherworldly places and captivate their senses.

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