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Mighty Morphing Stains

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Let the Espumil Jam Ads Remind You to Take Care of Your Clothes

If you've ever found yourself spilling things and staining your clothes while you eat, the Espumil Jam ads will surely speak to you. Featuring substances you encounter every day, the stains are cleverly converted into clothes.

With things like jam, ketchup and avocado, the Espumil Jam ads are like taking a look through your last meal or two. The stains in the ads have taken on a life of their own and are threatening to take over your closet. Illustrating the need to prevent this, the caption reads "Recover your clothes," according to I Believe in Advertising.

Take care of your clothes and make sure they don't end up with stains on them; or even worse, morphing into the images in the Espumil Jam ads.

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