Entrepreneur Evolution Infographics

This Entrepreneur Graphic Shows Innovators Throughout History

Homestead's entrepreneur graphic shows that innovators have always been around, although the term "entrepreneur" is frequently only associated with someone who uses technology and lives in the digital age. This infographic goes back in time, starting with the Renaissance.

Historically, the Renaissance is a pivotal point in history for the arts, but it was also a very important time for the development of commerce and trading goods with other countries. There was another huge shift in the 19th century, with entrepreneurs like Henry Ford revolutionizing how products are assembled.

In the digital age, the modern entrepreneur takes the form of a Steve Jobs-like character, representing someone who embodies a brand, makes use of crowdsourcing to accelerate innovation and manages a company and its employees -- the modern entrepreneur is a Renaissance man or woman who can do it all.
Trend Themes
1. Historical Innovators - Opportunities for disruptive innovation exist in exploring the strategies and techniques used by historical innovators in various industries.
2. Digital Age Entrepreneurs - Disruptive innovation opportunities can be found by studying the characteristics and practices of modern entrepreneurs in the digital age.
3. Parallel Shifts in Entrepreneurship - Exploring the similarities between historical shifts and the current digital age can lead to disruptive innovation opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Industry Implications
1. Commerce and Trade - Disruptive innovation can be achieved by reimagining and revolutionizing the traditional methods of commerce and trade.
2. Manufacturing and Assembly - Innovative approaches to manufacturing and assembly processes can result in disruptive innovation within the industry.
3. Technology and Crowdsourcing - Opportunities for disruptive innovation can be found by leveraging technology and crowdsourcing to accelerate innovation in various industries.

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