Equality-Pushing Tech-Friendly Initiatives

Girls Who Code Seeks to Inspire & Empower Women in Tech

Girls Who Code is a not-for-profit organization that seeks to close the gender gap and empower women in tech environments. The existence of such a collective is crucial in assuring equality in the field as studies find that "82 per cent of Canadians picture a man when they imagine a computer scientist," as well as that "one in two Canadians cannot name a single woman scientist or engineer."

The initative to inspire and empower women in tech is expanding to Canada where 50% of the workforce is female but less than 25% are in STEM jobs. Girls Who Code makes free programming courses available. The not-for-profit launched in November of 2018, while it has been operating in the United States for quite some time and has reached over 90,000 girls in the country.
Trend Themes
1. Women in Tech Empowerment - Initiatives like Girls Who Code aim to inspire and empower women in the tech industry, helping to close the gender gap and bring a more diverse perspective to the field.
2. Increasing Diversity in STEM Fields - Efforts to promote equality and diversity in STEM jobs, including free programming courses for girls, can help address the underrepresentation of women and minorities in these fields.
3. Changing Perceptions of Computer Science - By challenging the stereotype of a computer scientist as a man, initiatives like Girls Who Code are changing perceptions of the tech industry and paving the way for a more inclusive future.
Industry Implications
1. Tech Education - With a focus on providing free programming courses to girls and promoting diversity in STEM fields, tech education providers have an opportunity to help close the gender gap in the industry.
2. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations like Girls Who Code can leverage technology and partnerships to address societal and gender-based issues, driving social change and promoting equal opportunities.
3. STEM Industries - STEM industries, including tech and engineering, can benefit from increased diversity and gender equality, introducing new perspectives and driving innovation in these fields.

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