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Daily E-mail Percentages

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The Facts of E-mail Usage

Now-a-days people no longer communicate by having face to face conversations and are heavily reliant on other forms of interaction and this infographic breaks down e-mail usage.

This insightful infographic displays the number of people sending e-mails, hourly rates of how many they send, how many hours are spent checking e-mail with mobile devices and the average time spent responding to all this communication. The numbers are astonishing. Did you know that 20 million were sent while reading one sentence? As well, 65% of e-mails are spam and the majority of e-mails in your inbox are actually unrelated to direct correspondences you are having. Additionally, 3.3 billion people registered for e-mail this year alone.

People no longer rely on telephone calls, letters and such and e-mail usage is now heavily part of daily interaction.

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