Whimsical Anamorphic Photo Frames

Ella and Pitr Frame the City Streets with Charming Grafitti

Street art duo Ella & Pitr (Otherwise known as Papier Peintres) have created a lively, life-size picture frame graffiti series entitled ‘Anamorphoses.’ The colorful anamorphic picture frames add some flair to otherwise dilapidated surroundings.

The series offers a fun Kodak moment, as passers-by can quickly snap a photo to make it look as though they are inside the frame. Of course, your perspective of the frame changes according to where you’re standing – another reason why this project is so interesting.

The project is also apart of a greater campaign for the National Dramatic Center of St. Etienne, aiming to reinvigorate lost or "forgotten parts of the city." The finished photos – taken with a slew of Etienne volunteers – are romantic, charming and breathe new life into run-down spaces.
Trend Themes
1. Anamorphic Picture Frames - Opportunity for artists and photographers to explore anamorphic techniques in a creative and engaging way.
2. Urban Revitalization - Potential for urban planners and developers to use art and creative installations to transform neglected areas of cities.
3. Interactive Photography - Openings for innovation in creating interactive photo experiences that allow people to become part of the artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Photography - Artists and photographers can incorporate anamorphic techniques and interactive elements into their work.
2. Urban Planning and Development - Urban planners and developers can utilize art installations to revitalize neglected urban areas.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - Hotels, tourist attractions, and event organizers can incorporate interactive photography experiences to attract visitors and enhance guest experiences.

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