Depression-Detecting Applications

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The EI Technologies Xpression Tool Monitors Moods

The EI Technologies Xpression smartphone application listens to the tone of users' voices with a specific look at depression. The tool places the recorded voices along a mood scale via an assessment that monitors tone and pitch.

Based on the data gathered, Xpression may contact doctors. The emotion-monitoring technology records as little as 200 milliseconds from one's daily interactions. Factors such as volume are then evaluated and placed within a catalog of feelings. By effectively eavesdropping on one's daily activities, Xpression can track the progression or regression of patients with depression. This takes the onus off of said patients as it is most often them who have to make note of their states of mind.
Trend Themes
1. Depression-detecting Tools - Developing phone applications that can detect and monitor depression in a user's voice pitch and tone.
2. Emotion Monitoring Technology - Creating new technologies that can analyze a user's tone and pitch through advanced analyses of their voice.
3. Mood-scale Assessment - Implementing mood-scale assessments as a part of regular health monitoring, to detect if people with depression are getting better or worse.
Industry Implications
1. Mental Health Care - Developing custom-made phone applications that monitor and analyze an individual's mood while being used for regular activities.
2. Artificial Intelligence - The development of AI technology for interpreting human voice patterns.
3. Telemedicine - Technology such as the EI Technologies Xpression app can be utilized to assist healthcare workers in managing depressed patients who are either under-monitoring or unable to provide a daily accounting of their mood.

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