Buying A New Species Name

Ego Research Funds at Purdue University

If you can cough up enough cash, Purdue University will let you name a turtle or bat species. Harrison Ford did it and named a butterfly “Georgia” after his daughter. Steven Colbert groused enough that he got a species named after him.

Trendhunteraraptor: Insatiable hunter/gatherer of the wily trends. Especially diligent and focused species known to lurk in the deep web.

The money Purdue University raises will support future research into new species.

Implications - The list of bidders has been an eclectic one, including amongst others: a gambling site that named a Bolivian monkey and Stephen Colbert giving a species his own name. Colbert came out on top getting to use his humorous ways to name the species Stephen Colbert.
Trend Themes
1. Species Naming - Allowing individuals or organizations to name new species as means for funding research, creating potential for new revenue streams for institutions.
2. Celebrities and Species Naming - Creating buzz and attention for species conservation efforts by allowing celebrities to name new species after themselves or loved ones.
3. Crowdfunding Conservation Research - Offering people the opportunity to name a new species as a way to raise money for conservation research is a creative and innovative form of crowdfunding.
Industry Implications
1. Conservation - Adding a naming component to conservation efforts can generate public interest and funding for research and conservation initiatives.
2. Higher Education - Institutions can use creative fundraising opportunities like species naming to generate revenue streams for research and foster community engagement.
3. Tourism - Naming new species can become a tourist attraction, with individuals and organizations bidding on the opportunity to name a new species and possibly visit the location of the new species in the future.

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