Fried Tempura Tarantulas

The Bug Chef Serves Up Edible Bugs in His Latest Recipe

David George Gordon, also known as The Bug Chef, is known for creating unique recipes filled with edible bugs. This deep fried tarantula is an interesting one that encourages foodies to try out a tempura tarantula next time they're craving something crunchy.

Eating insects is nothing new. In fact insects are a great source of protein and they're easy to cook up in a wide variety of styles. The Bug Chef put together this tarantula recipe that is super easy to make if you're brave enough to take a bite out of a spider. Begin with two frozen adult Texas brown tarantulas and use a lighter to burn off any leg hairs. Then dip the spiders in tempura batter and fry them up till they're golden brown. Finish by sprinkling the spiders with paprika and remember to avoid eating the head.
Trend Themes
1. Edible Insects - The rising trend of incorporating insects in cuisine.
2. Alternative Proteins - The trend of exploring new sources of alternative and sustainable proteins.
3. Exotic Foods - The trend of seeking unique and unusual foods from different cultures.
Industry Implications
1. Food Industry - The food industry can explore incorporating insects as a source of protein in their products.
2. Agriculture Industry - The agriculture industry can explore farming insects as an alternative source of protein and food.
3. Tourism Industry - The tourism industry can promote and provide exotic food tours for adventurous foodies.

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