Community-Building Eco Bricks

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These Ecological Bricks are Helping to Restore a Dam-Ravaged Region

These ecological bricks are helping to rebuild and revive a Brazilian community ravaged by a tragic dam disaster. Bricks From Mariana by ad agency Grey Brazil is a green campaign that is repurposing the mud from an environmental catastrophe late last year to create the literal building blocks that will help the Mariana region.

The eco brick not only serves to clean up the damage caused by the November 2015 Fundão Dam collapse by clearing the area, ecological bricks are made from the mud to reconstruct homes, schools and community buildings. This is not only a sustainable solution, it also brings new jobs to the community and provide an alternative source of income to families.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-brick Building Materials - Repurposing mud from a natural disaster to create building materials opens opportunities for more environmentally-friendly building practices.
2. Community-led Sustainable Solutions - Involving the local community in creating sustainable solutions, such as ecological bricks, not only helps to rebuild the area but also provides new job opportunities.
3. Eco-conscious Disaster Response - Using environmentally-friendly materials in disaster response efforts can help mitigate damage caused by natural disasters while promoting sustainable practices.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - The construction industry can explore eco-friendly building materials like ecological bricks to promote sustainable building practices.
2. Environmental Remediation - The environmental remediation industry can use repurposing and recycling practices, such as turning mud from natural disasters into building materials, to reduce waste and promote sustainability.
3. Non-profit/philanthropy - Non-profit organizations and philanthropic groups can support community-led sustainable solutions for disaster response and recovery efforts in vulnerable regions like Mariana.

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