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The Easy Trigger Fire Extinguisher Can Be Effectively Operated in a Panic

The Easy Trigger Fire Extinguisher hardly requires the tutorial that most flame retardants need in order to be properly employed. There's no pesky pin, just simply the removal of a clearly labeled safety lock that exposes its activation button.

Moon Woojung and Shim Wonbo's life-saving submission for the 2012 iF Design Talents is a reworking of the common cylindrical canister, providing a much more compact and portable object that can be efficiently stored, carried and deployed.

This slim rectangular device might usually be mounted on the wall of a building and removed quickly in the event of an emergency. An obvious red arrow suggests that the inner handle should be yanked from the Easy Trigger Fire Extinguisher before a simple squeezing action sends foam through the attached black tube.
Trend Themes
1. Effortless Fire Extinguishers - Opportunity for developing intuitive and easy-to-use fire extinguishers.
2. Compact Fire Fighting Devices - Opportunity for reimagining the design and size of fire extinguishers and other safety devices.
3. Smart Emergency Equipment - Opportunity for integrating technology to make emergency equipment smarter, intuitive, and easy to operate.
Industry Implications
1. Safety and Emergency Equipment Manufacturing - Opportunity for creating innovative and effective safety and emergency equipment for residential and commercial use.
2. Hospitality Industry - Opportunity for providing compact and intuitive fire extinguishers for use in hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality establishments.
3. Construction Industry - Opportunity for designing and implementing smart, easy-to-use fire extinguishers and safety devices for construction sites.

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