Ancient Glassware-Inspired Towers

Liu Xisang Designed a Conical Skyscraper in Downtown Shaoxing

As part of the modern business center plan designed by SOM, China based architect Liu Xisang has recently constructed conical shaped skyscraper in downtown Shaoxing in the Zhejiang province in China. The 137 meter skystructure was inspired by Jiu Zun which are ancient wine glasses, a symbol of the area.

The facade of the building is composed of four layers where the building's first 18 levels slant inward at an angle with the high levels angled forwards. As the structure rises, the structure folds inwards, becoming smaller.

The bottom half of the tower is used for commericial purposes and the higher levels are used for government offices and private corporations. To separate the two levels, there are two separate entrances; one on the south side and one at the north side.
Trend Themes
1. Conical Skyscrapers - Architects can look to creating conical or non-traditional shaped skyscrapers for inspiration from ancient glassware.
2. Folding Structures - Designers can incorporate inward folding structures as part of their building design process, creating unique shapes and privacy options within the tower.
3. Mixed-use Buildings - Developers can consider designing buildings that cater to multiple needs, such as commercial and government offices, to maximize functionality and profitability.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects can apply ancient design elements to modern structures to create unique and visually striking buildings.
2. Real Estate - Real estate developers can build mixed-use buildings to cater to the needs of multiple businesses and industries in one structure.
3. Construction - Construction companies can explore innovative building techniques and materials to bring unique designs to life, such as inward folding structures.

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